Transform your reality by transforming yourself first

Coaching  Mentoring

with aleksandra

Coaching & Mentoring

Imagine a space where your struggles are not just heard, but truly understood. Where overwhelm transforms into clarity, and doubt gives way to confidence. This is the journey we embark on together. How do you know my programs are for you? If any of the below sounds familiar, you are in the right place.

Any Transformation You Are Looking For Starts From Transforming You

What I can help with

Burned out and lost

Have you ever felt like the weight of your workplace is too much to bear? Have you felt this guilt for not being able to give 100% at your workplace, while feeling miserable and simply tired?

I’ve been there and I can tell you, you don’t have to feel this way. Let’s navigate these murky waters together, finding the light amidst the darkness.

Seeking career change

Do you find change daunting, especially when it feels like the world’s weight is on your shoulders? Do you long for support and guidance as you navigate these uncharted waters?

I understand. Having changed my career multiple times, I know the challenges firsthand. My coaching programs offer the support and guidance to embrace change with courage and grace.

Waiting for the right moment

Have you found yourself stuck in a cycle of waiting for the perfect moment to leap? Do thoughts like “One more book/course/certification and I’m ready” sound familiar? 

The only time you truly have is NOW. Past and Future are irrelevant if you don’t honor the Present. Let’s explore the possibilities together and transform hesitation into action.

Doubt, procrastination & lack of motivation

Are you struggling with procrastination and a lack of motivation? Do doubts often leave you feeling paralyzed, with tasks overdue as an unwelcome companion?

Beneath these struggles lies the real root cause. I invite you to explore it together, so you can banish self-doubt, reignite motivation, and unlock the greatness within you.

Silencing negative self-talk and insecurities

 Do you hear a nagging voice in your head, constantly telling you “you can’t” or “it’s too much”? Do you often feel like your own enemy?

It’s time to quieten that voice. My coaching programs provide strategies to overcome negative self-talk, empowering you to rewrite your inner narrative with positivity and possibility.

Prisoner of "I have to," "I should," "I must"

Tired of living life according to someone else’s script? Or maybe you no longer know if what you are doing, or chasing in life is your own, or someone else’s idea for you?

It’s time to reclaim your autonomy and rewrite your story. Break free from the shackles of obligation and rediscover what truly ignites your soul.


Coach, Mentor, Talent Partner, People Manager, Trainer, you name it. 

Who is Aleksandra?

In Greek Aleksandra means “Mankind defender”, and I believe I’ve become all of the above to follow my inner calling, the calling of helping, and “defending” other people.

My mission is to help YOU get out of your limiting looping thoughts. My mission is to empower YOU. My mission is to partner with YOU in your journey. My mission is to equip YOU with powerful tools, so you can outsmart your own mind.

I’m here to help you start all your desired transformations from TRANSFORMING YOU first.

Book a free discovery call to learn more about my programs, and until then, remember to enjoy the moment.

6 Steps

Let´s walk through the process of how we can work together


1. Schedule your free call

You don’t know me and before even thinking of joining my program, you would like to see my face, or simply ask additional questions? I understand. Take the first step towards transformation by scheduling a complimentary consultation call with me. This is our opportunity to connect, and chart a path forward together.


2. Choosing the right program!

There isn’t anything like one-size-fits-all here. Depending on your needs, together, we’ll explore which program aligns best with your goals and aspirations. Whether it’s Career Transition Coaching, Empowerment Coaching, or a bespoke program tailored to your unique needs, we’ll find the perfect fit for you.


3. Committing to the journey

Change is a journey, not a destination. I trust the power and magic of the coaching process. That’s why my approach involves a minimum commitment of 8 sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. Depending on your program and individual needs, our journey together may extend beyond this initial commitment.

Next step

4. Access to transformational tools

Gain access to a suite of tools and methodologies that are specifically designed by me to facilitate your growth and transformation. I won’t be lying to you. There is a big part of your process that you are responsible for to have the best results. These tools will help you identify and rewire outdated beliefs that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential.

The work

5. Coaching and mentoring blend

I seamlessly blend coaching and mentoring to provide you with a holistic approach to personal and professional development. Depending on your program and individual needs, you can expect not only coaching sessions but also practical training on techniques that can be incorporated into your daily life for tangible results. I work with NCV, Radical Candor, Letting Go Technique, Radical Forgiveness, REBT and Brain Science-Based Coaching.

Final stages

6. Regular accountability

You’re not alone on this journey. I serve as your accountability buddy, providing regular check-ins and support to ensure you stay on track toward your goals. And because growth thrives on feedback I offer regular feedback after each session and throughout the entire process. This feedback catalyzes growth, challenging you to expand your perspectives and reach new heights by celebrating the victories along the way.

If you want to change some aspects of your life by challenging your habitual thinking, I will show you the tools and keep you accountable so you succeed


Discover what others say

Diana Salavisa


“Incredibly knowledgeable and efficient.
With her support I was able to build my department with really great employees and above all, with an amazing cultural fit to the team. You can really feel she is advocating for the same goal.”